Creating websites, social media pages, and blogs can help a business connect with and grow its consumer base. But is that enough? Sadly, it is not that easy. Businesses must analyze how consumers are reacting to its online presence in order to determine how effective the business is doing online.  Google Analytics enables businesses to do just that.


In a tutorial video, Anastasia Kudrez explains how to get started with Google Analytics and how it is used to better the health of a business’s online presence. Kudrez  explains the analytics process in three basic steps:

  1. Measure. Figure out what is, or is not, happening on your website.
  2. Learn. Use the information to determine how to improve the website.
  3. Take Action. From the information gained in step 2, apply new tactics to further reach the websites goal.

Kudrez further breaks this process down into what she calls “the ABC Cycle” of Google Analytics.

A. Acquisition. How are visitors finding the website?

B. Behavior. Is the content effective? Are consumers behaving the way you want?

C. Conversion. How is my website impacting the bottom line? Is the website helping the business make money?

Following these steps will enable a business to effectively determine whether or not its website is being used to help the business reach its goals. Google Analytics helps business leaders determine what parts of its website need to be tweaked in order for the business to be more effective.


Lenovo,the #1 PC manufacturer in the world, decided to use Google Analytics to further its success in the highly-competitive computer market. Lenovo was struggling with determining which factors led to conversion, or sales. Each channel was analyzing sales results separately which “made it impossible to tell which marketing investments actually drove sales.”

With the help of Google Analytics, Lenovo was quickly finding answers to its problem of attribution. After just six months of using Google Analytics, Lenovo learned that its biggest source of revenue came from direct navigation and organic searches. The discoveries found using Google Analytics enabled Lenovo to make better decisions than they were previously.

“We’re about six months into this program and we are seeing great results … I was able to use some of the data we’ve been collecting to make different decisions than I would have last year.” —Lewis Broadnax, Executive Director Web Sales & Marketing, Lenovo





2 thoughts on “How Analytics Create Conversion

  1. Taylor I really enjoyed reading this blog. I like that you broke down all the aspects of Google Analytics, this makes it very lucid what each point is and why it’s important. I as well have never looked into Lenova but I am aware of their services. Therefore, even with just that being said, I agree they are very avid with their analytics and reading out to consumers.


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